Your Smart AI Search Assistant

Get fast accurate answers. No ads or tracking. Discover Next-Gen Search.

Frequenty Asked Questions

What is Andi?

Andi is search for the next generation. Andi is your smart AI assistant. Instead of just links, Andi gives you answers - like chatting with a smart friend.

Do I have to pay for Andi?

Andi is free and anonymous. In the future, there will be certain additional features that will require sign-in and paid plans.

How does Andi work?

We use generative AI and large language models combined with live data, smart algorithms and semantic search technology.

How long has Andi been around?

Andi was founded in 2021.

Where is the company based?

Andi is based in San Francisco, California, USA, however, we have users from all around the world!

Does Andi have an app?

We’re working towards native apps! In the meantime, you can download our Progressive Web app! Go to —> Tap Share/Options —> Select “Add to Home Screen”

How is Andi different from other search engines?

Andi is focussed on providing factually accurate and concise answers with a visual feed of the most interesting, relevant and high-quality sites. We highlight the best sources and promote the publishers and content creators.

Does Andi have a Chrome extension?

Yes - go to —> Tap Andi —> install extension!

Is there a limit on how many queries I can do on Andi?

No there’s no limit - just use Andi and if you love it, please tell your friends!

Does Andi have an API?

We are working on providing an API.

Discover Next-Gen Search

Andi uses AI everywhere and visual results with more than a chat UX to reimagine search. It's a better way to find and explore knowledge.